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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - assembly


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Перевод с английского языка assembly на русский


1) сборка, монтаж

2) сборочная единица; узел; сборная деталь

3) агрегат; сборочная группа

assembly by bolts — болтовое соединение

assembly by riveting — соединение клёпкой

assembly by welding — соединение сваркой

prior to assembly — перед сборкой

assembly of N-orderassembly of parts in batch quantitiesabrasive work engaging assemblyadapter-and-tool assemblyantifriction roller assemblyapplicator assemblyautomated assemblyautomatized assemblyauxiliary storage and playback assemblyballnut assemblyball screw-and-nut assemblybase-and-top jaw assemblybase jaw assemblybeam assemblybearing assemblybench assemblybolted assemblybrake assemblycable assemblycam-actuated assemblycap screw assemblycarrier assemblychip flushing assemblychuck assemblyclamp assemblycollet assemblycollet-and-chuck assemblycomputer-aided automatic assemblyconnector assemblycontact assemblycontrol assemblycoupling assemblycrosshead movement assemblycushion assemblycutter assemblycutting head assemblycutting tool assemblycylinder block-and-piston assemblydriving assemblydual template assemblyencapsulated assemblyerror-corrective assemblyfabricated assemblyfastener assemblyfeeding assemblyfeed nut assemblyfinal assemblyfine focus assemblyfine focus assembly for laserfixture assemblyflexible assemblyflow assemblyflowline assemblyfuel injection pump assemblygear assemblygeneric assemblygovernor assemblygrinding wheel assemblyguide assemblyhead assemblyhead-and-disk assemblyhole saw assemblyhook assemblyhose assemblyhydraulic pallet assemblyhydraulic pump assemblyimproper assemblyinjected metal assemblyintegrated assemblyinterchangeable assemblyintermediate assemblyIR assemblyjaw assemblykeying assemblykit assemblylarge scale robot assemblylaser assemblylayered assemblylockup assemblyLSI assemblymain assemblymast assemblymechanical engineering assemblysmodular assemblymold assemblymotor assemblymounting assemblymulticomponent assemblymultistation machining assemblyO.D. grinding assemblyoffending assemblyoil seal assemblyPCB assemblypickoff assemblypiston-cylinder assemblyplain bearing assemblyplugboard assemblypower steering assemblyprinted board assemblyprint-wire assemblyprofile slide assemblyprogrammable assemblyprogressive assemblypushbutton assemblyrectifier assemblyrelay-based assemblyright-angle drive assemblyright-angled drive assemblyrobotic assemblyrobotized assemblyrotating basket assemblysafety assemblysaw head assemblysawing assemblyselective assemblysemiconductor assemblysemifinished assemblyseries assemblysetup bar assemblyshake-free assemblyslide assemblySMC assemblysnap-in part assemblysolid assemblyspindle assemblyspindle-head assemblystock spindle assemblystone assemblystop assemblystud assemblysuction pickup assemblyswing-arm assemblyswing spindle assemblythreaded assemblytool assemblytool arm assemblytool carriage and slide assemblytool changer assemblytoolholder assemblytop-and-base jaw assemblytop jaw assemblytorque-coupling assemblytraction drive roll assemblytransmission assemblytriangular assemblytrivet/turnbuckle assemblytrolley pole assemblyturnbuckle assemblyturntable-based assemblytwin-column assemblyultrasonic drilling assemblyunified assemblyunit assemblyunitary assemblyuniversal drive assemblyvariant engine assemblyvariant model assemblywarning assemblyweld assemblywelded assemblywheel-dressing assemblywire feed assemblyworkholder assemblyworkpiece drive assemblyworkpiece/pallet assemblyworkpiece-retaining assemblywrist assembly

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  агрегат ...
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь
  noun  1) собрание, сбор  2) ассамблея - United Nations General Assembly  3) (Assembly) законодательное собрание; законодательный орган (в некоторых штатах США)  4) tech. монтаж, сборка  5) агрегат  6) mil. сигнал сбора; сбор, сосредоточение  7) attr. сборочный assembly line - сборочный конвейер assembly shop - сборочный цех ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. сбор, собрание, общество assembly of stockholders —- собрание акционеров unlawful assembly —- юр. незаконное сборище the right of assembly —- право собраний to convoke (to summon) an assembly —- созывать собрание never had there been so full an assembly —- никогда еще не было такого большого сборища 2. ассамблея, собрание constituent assembly —- учредительное собрание United Nations General A. —- Генеральная Ассамблея Организации Объединенных Наций 3. законодательное собрание, обыкн нижняя палата законодательного органа штата (в США) 4. тех. комплект 5. тех. агрегат 6. тех. узел, сборка 7. спец. монтаж, сборка assembly drawing —- монтажный чертеж assembly shop —- сборочный цех assembly line —- сборочный конвейер, линия поточной сборник to come off the assembly line —- сходить с конвейера assembly jig —- тех. сборочный стенд; мор. стапель 8. воен. сигнал для сбора 9. воен. сбор, сосредоточение assembly area —- район сосредоточения assembly point —- сборный пункт 10. физ. ансамбль (частиц) 11. биол. наименьшее сообщество организмов (колония) 12. комп. трансляция (с языка ассемблера) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  полит. Ассамблея Наименование законодательного органа state legislature (или его нижней палаты) в ряде штатов. См. тж. assemblyman, General Assembly, Legislative Assembly ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) "микросообщество", минимальное сообщество 2) совокупность животных в обществе 3) сборка (напр. фермента из субъединиц) 4) мол. биол. упорядоченная структура ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) ассамблея, собрание; сбор 2) комплект; агрегат; сборка – bearing assembly ASSEMBLY сущ. 1) сбор, собрание 2) общество, ассамблея 3) монтаж, сборка 4) агрегат, конструкция • - United Nations General Assembly - assembly and maintenance - assembly chart - assembly drawing - assembly plant - assembly shop - convoke an assembly - factory assembly - field assembly - hold an assembly - moving assembly line - summon an assembly - unlawful assembly Syn: design, construction, structure, group, circle, committee, lot, cluster, batch, team, range ASSEMBLY сущ. 1) а) общ. сбор, собрание, общество, сходка, ассамблея (в самом общем смысле: группа лиц, собравшихся в одном месте для решения определенной проблемы, обсуждения какого-либо вопроса и т. д.) to convene convoke an assembly — созывать собрание assembly of stockholders — собрание акционеров б) общ. ассамблея, собрание (группа лиц, собравшихся для принятия решения от имени какой-либо организации, утверждения закона и т. п.) United Nations General Assembly — Генеральная Ассамблея Организации Объединенных Наций в) юр. законодательное собрание, законодательный орган (в английском языке часто используется с капитализацией) legislative assembly — законодательное собрание 2) общ. сбор, собрание, сходка, сосредоточение (как действие) freedom of assembly — свобода собрания right of assembly — право на собрание 3) тех. монтаж, сборка (машин,...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) комплект 2) компоновочный блок или узел 3) компоновка; ассемблирование 4) трансляция с языка ассемблера; ассемблирование ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) агрегат; комплект; блок 2) сборка; компоновка; монтаж 3) сборочная единица; сборочный узел 4) сборный; сборочный - antecedent assembly - assembly of a mosaic - automatic assembly - balanced assembly - bottom plate assembly - burner assembly - busbar assembly - cable connector assembly - component assembly - connector assembly - control assembly - convergence assembly - entire assembly - fin assembly - leading edge assembly - lens turret assembly - matched-parts assembly - mobile microphone-transmitter assembly - multiple aerial-camera assembly - orbital assembly - ordered assembly - plug-in assembly - preliminary assembly - printed board assembly - rear-axle assembly - selective assembly - semiconductor assembly - spring assembly - tail assembly - three-lens turret assembly - trailing edge assembly - turbine-pump assembly - turbo-driven pump assembly - turbopump assembly - welded assembly - wheel and yoke assembly ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) вчт. трансляция 2) сборка; компоновка 3) узел; блок 4) комплект – call-signaling assembly – code forming assembly – deciphering assembly – enciphering assembly – guide arm assembly – head assembly – logical assembly – main call-signaling assembly – multicomponent assembly – plug-in assembly – printing assembly – replaceable videohead assembly – replacement assembly – reserve call-signaling assembly – scanner assembly – scanning-coil assembly – static-purity assembly – switching assembly – telephone-headset assembly – touch-tone dial assembly – transmit feed assembly – video assembly ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  сборная конструкция; узел assembly of prefabricated elements combination tap assembly common crossing assembly demountable assembly door assembly form assembly form assembly for slipforming inlet vane control assembly piping assembly site assembly stay cable anchor assembly structural assembly suspension assembly ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) сборка; компоновка; монтаж (процесс) 2) сборочная единица; комплект; устройство; агрегат или узел в сборе 3) фотомонтаж, монтаж (кинофильма) 4) вчт. ассемблированная программа 5) вчт. трансляция (с языка ассемблера); ассемблирование 6) лесн. пакет (фанеры); запрессовка - abrasive work engaging assembly - abutment sleeve assembly - accessory drive assembly - active docking assembly - adhesive assembly - aligned docking assemblies - androgynous docking assembly - antenna assembly - antifriction roller assembly - automated assembly - automatic drain assembly - automatic program assembly - band assembly - bare assembly - bearing mount assembly - board assembly - bottom hole assembly - bottom plate assembly - brake assembly - breeder assembly - brush assembly - bushing assembly - cable assembly - cam assembly - canister assembly - captive-screw assembly - carriage assembly - cathode assembly - cell assembly - centrifugal flyweights assembly - channel fastener assembly - closure head assembly - cluster assemblies - combed assembly - combustion assembly - commutator bar assembly - compatible docking assemblies - container assembly - conveyor/robot assembly - cord assembly - cowl flap actuating assembly - critical assembly - crosshead movement assembly - cutter assembly - cutting tool assembly - deflection-coil assembly - docking assembly - document assembly - dovetailed assembly - drill assembly - drilling assembly - drilling bit bearing assembly - drop-sleeve assembly - dry fuel assembly - dumbbell assembly - dummy assembly - electrode assembly - electrode-drive assembly - emergency extension assembly - engine-mounted assembly - evaporator assembly - experimental assembly - factory assembly - feeding assembly - feed nut assembly - field assembly - film assembly - film-carrier assembly - film unit assembly - first assembly - flexible...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 the act or an instance of assembling or gathering together. 2 a a group of persons gathered together, esp. as a deliberative body or a legislative council. b a gathering of the entire members of a school. 3 the assembling of a machine or structure or its parts. 4 Mil. a call to assemble, given by drum or bugle. Phrases and idioms assembly language Computing the low-level symbolic code converted by an assembler. assembly line machinery arranged in stages by which a product is progressively assembled. assembly room (or shop) a place where a machine or its components are assembled. assembly rooms public rooms in which meetings or social functions are held. Etymology: ME f. OF asemblee fem. past part. of asembler: see ASSEMBLE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -blies)  Etymology: Middle English assemblee, from Anglo-French, from assembler  Date: 14th century  1. a company of persons gathered for deliberation and legislation, worship, or entertainment  2. capitalized a legislative body; specifically the lower house of a legislature  3. a meeting of a student body and usually faculty for administrative, educational, or recreational purposes  4.  a. assemblage 1  b. assemblage 2  5. a signal for troops to assemble or fall in  6.  a. the fitting together of manufactured parts into a complete machine, structure, or unit of a machine  b. a collection of parts so assembled  7. the translation of ~ language to machine language by an assembler ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (assemblies) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. An assembly is a large group of people who meet regularly to make decisions or laws for a particular region or country. ...the campaign for the first free election to the National Assembly. ...an assembly of party members from the Russian republic. N-COUNT: usu sing 2. An assembly is a group of people gathered together for a particular purpose. He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly. = gathering N-COUNT 3. When you refer to rights of assembly or restrictions on assembly, you are referring to the legal right that people have to gather together. (FORMAL) N-UNCOUNT: usu prep N 4. In a school, assembly is a gathering of all the teachers and pupils at the beginning of every school day. By 9, the juniors are in the hall for assembly. ...a long room with a stage at one end for assemblies. N-VAR 5. The assembly of a machine, device, or object is the process of fitting its different parts together. For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a group of people who are elected to make laws for a particular country or area  (the New York State Assembly) 2 C + of a group of people who gave gathered together for a particular purpose 3 a regular meeting of all the teachers and pupils of a school 4 the process of putting parts together in order to make something  (instructions for assembly) 5 the right of assembly/freedom of assembly the right of any group to meet together in order to discuss things ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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